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Medium locked down shot of a woman stepping to the copying machine in the office and placing a sheet of paper in it. Shot in Slovenia.

3 Bad Copier Habits (and How to Break Them)

Have you ever copied something three times by accident? Maybe three pages of a document or three sections of an article. If so, you know how much extra time and paper that takes up! This blog post will give you three tips to break bad copier habits, three tips on avoiding these habits, and three common copier mistakes. Let’s get started!

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What are the three bad copier habits?

The three bad copier habits are: copying three times by accident, Twisting or leaning over while using the copier and forgetting to adjust for double-sided printing.

These three bad copier habits happen because we may not be using our machines correctly, and they can waste a lot of time fixing them later on! These three common errors include making copies that are too light or dark, putting more than one copy in the machine at once (which jams up), and reusing paper without realizing it already has been copied onto before. How would you describe why people have these three bad methods for copying their documents? Because they’re not really thinking about what’s going into the machine! It’s easy to get ruts when working with equipment, so remember to do things like cleaning the machine and changing the paper.

What are some tips on breaking these three bad copier habits? 

Tips on breaking these three bad copier habits, Three common mistakes are adjusting for double-sided printing instead of just asking someone else to do it, practising good office ergonomics (like avoiding leaning over or twisting when standing at the machine), and keeping track of which papers have already been copied so you don’t keep re-copying those pages. What are some ways to avoid each habit? Ways to avoid three bad copier habits: ask others around you if they would mind doing something as simple as adjusting a setting or two rather than wasting paper; make sure your workspace is set up in such a way that allows you to stand with your feet apart and not need to bend down towards the copy machine and keep track of which pages have already been copied so you don’t waste more paper than necessary.

We’ll start by explaining three common copier mistakes: three bad copier habits.

-Copying three times by accident:  Make sure your printer is set up correctly.

-Twisting or leaning over while using the copier: Practice good office ergonomics and stay in a comfortable position while copying, just like you would when sitting at a computer.

-forgetting to adjust for double-sided printing: This could affect the final result of what is printed out.

What are some ways to avoid these problems?

Here are three common copier mistakes: not making sure that your printer is ready for double-sided printing, practising good office ergonomics (like avoiding leaning over or twisting when standing at the machine), and keeping track of which papers have already been copied so you don’t keep re-copying those pages! If this sounds like something you need a refresher on, read more about how to break each habit. We’ll start by explaining three common copier mistakes: adjusting for double-sided printing instead of just asking someone else to do it.

First, you want to make sure that the darkness dial is not set too low or high on your machine. If it’s set somewhere in between three and three and a half (for example), then there should be no issue with having any light copies come out of your printer each time. However, if this setting is below three or above three and a half (such as two or four for example), then people may notice lighter prints coming from their copiers every single time they use them. This can get quite frustrating really fast! Second, you’ll want to avoid placing originals into the document feeder face up because this will cause paper jams when trying to copy multiple pages at once. And last but certainly not least, if you’re having the issue of receiving light copies every time your copier is used, then it’s best to just not use any sort of setting that will lower the quality.

Do people make these three bad copier habits?

Yes! People can be forgetful when it comes to their machines, but they also get used to doing certain tasks one way that may not always work out well in the end if you’re looking for perfect copies each time.